New Boats Are On the Way, Soon-ish
If you have been out to shop for a new boat, you’ve likely visited boat dealers with significantly, surprisingly, depleted inventory. It’s only the first week of June! Where are the boats?
Just as in the pre-owned boat market, the COVID pandemic has had some unexpected and very noticeable effects on new boat sales. Current boaters, not-yet-boaters and returning boaters have (re-) discovered the joys of boating – sunshine, fresh air, adventure, togetherness and exploration. demand has surged since early last summer.
Across the country, dealer inventories are at all-time lows. Many new boats have been pre-sold well in advance of their arrival, as buyers reserved their slots months and months ago.
Boat builders around the country are working hard, innovating and attempting to meet this surge in demand, but are also facing some hurdles. As you are likely aware, the global supply chain has issues that are affecting many (most) manufacturing businesses. A boat is the sum of a wide array of parts that and materials. Boat builders can only keep pace according to what their vendors can supply.
Yamaha Marine is a key partner of Robalo and Chaparral. Recently, Ben Speciale, President of Yamaha Marine U.S., published a very informative video describing how supply chain issues are impacting manufacturers and boaters. Click the link above to view Ben Speciale’s helpful video.
Our partners at Chaparral and Robalo are doing an extraordinarily good job of navigating these turbulent waters to fill our orders and help us plan for the year ahead.
At Pier 33, we have been fortunate to receive boat deliveries essentially on time, with only very modest delays. Many of our clients did place orders during late summer and early fall, assuring arrival by the start of the season. We have also planned for continuing arrivals throughout the summer – and many of those have been reserved by purchasers already.
We do have some 2021’s arriving during June, July and August and it is time to shift our focus to plans for the 2022 model year. That ordering process has already begun, with our first 22’s expected to arrive beginning after Labor Day.
At this time of writing (6/2/2021), our new boat availability (currently still available for sale) for the very near term is as follows.
Chaparral. 23 Surf (on hand), 347 SSX (approx. August 1), 19 SSi (mid-August), 280 OSX (early September), 23 SSi Outboard (2022, early September).
Robalo. R247 Dual Console (on hand), R180 Center Console (about 10 days from now), R230 Center Console (late August).
With our 2022 ordering process in order, core models that are in the 2022 line-up for either brand are available for pre-order now, ensuring the arrival of your boat of choice for the 2022 boating season. Let’s make sure you have the boat you want for 2022 and beyond. Contact a member of the Pier 33 sales staff: Tyler Wirick, Greg Dorow or Tighe Curran
At Pier 33, our belief is that a buyer’s solid relationship with a selling and servicing dealer is a very strong component of boater satisfaction. Plus, with high demand within our own market, we do need to reserve the boats we receive to meet the needs of boaters within our area. Our new boats are intended for sale in our natural local market and service area. That area primarily includes southwest Michigan, northern Indiana and nearby boating locations.