Dock and Storage Renewals Underway Now
Pier 33 Boaters, as we head into summer’s second-half, please be on the lookout for your arriving 2020-21 Renewal Packets for Dock and Storage renewals.
These packages have been sent by mail with all of the information you will need to renew dock, Launch on Command, Hook-n-Go and winter storage, as well as to place your requests for winterizing, repair or off-season maintenance.
You will also be receiving your renewal forms by e-mail, which can be executed electronically for your convenience. Rebekah Shafer has begun distributing those recently..
To reserve your winter storage and Dock/LOC/HNG services, you must respond by August 14.
Rates, forms and other information can be found on-line:
Each of those pages also includes links to downloadable forms.