High Water on Morrison Channel

High Water on Morrison Channel


We’ve had a little bit of rain lately, haven’t we … and with that comes high water on Morrison Channel in St. Joseph.
For our boaters that are already at the dock, either just coming out of storage and awaiting a trip to your home harbor, or for our full-season boaters, this is a reminder to check your lines. Significant changes in water level will cause some dock lines to tighten and others to go slack. A strained line may snap, leaving a boat unprotected for changes in wind or current. A slack line may leave the boat too loose at the dock and lead to dock rash or other damage.
The Pier 33 staff will be watchful as the river crests soon, but your own attention to your boat is the most sure protection against damage from high spring water levels. Please visit your boat at your very next opportunity to check your lines.